Category Archives: Mail server


We have multiple links available to check if the mail server are correctly configured. To check reverse DNS Check MX records for domain Check if the IP/domain is blacklisted for spam Check if … Continue reading

Posted in CPanel, DNS, Exim, Linux, Mail server, Plesk, Postfix | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Postfix Hardening

Make sure the Postfix is running with non-root account: root@Philip:~#ps aux | grep postfix | grep -v ‘^root’ Change permissions and ownership on the destinations below: root@Philip:~#chmod 755 /etc/postfix root@Philip:~#chmod 644 /etc/postfix/*.cf root@Philip:~#chmod 755 /etc/postfix/postfix-script* root@Philip:~#chmod 755 /var/spool/postfix root@Philip:~#chown root:root … Continue reading

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SPAM Whitelisting

Whitelisting can help you to get your emails reach inbox instead of spam folder, i will teach you now how to whitelist your self on some spam filter systems and some email providers. First of all you must have a … Continue reading

Posted in Exim, Mail server, Postfix | Leave a comment

How To Rotate IP Address Pool In Linux (Redhat / Centos / Ubuntu / Debian)

You can rotate your Server IP address pool in Linux server by using iptable NAT Postrouting. I assume you have 8 public IP addresses (x.x.x.1 TO x.x.x.8) configure on Linux postfix server. Now we rotate only SMPT (port no. 25) … Continue reading

Posted in Exim, Linux, Mail server, Plesk, Postfix | 2 Comments

HOWTO Virtual Mail Hosting on CentOS 6.x – Postfix MySQL Dovecot PostfixAdmin Amavisd-new Spamassassin Clamav DKIM SPF

Introduction This is an advanced email server configuration. This configuration will allow you to serve multiple domains on one server. This howto will allow you to setup a server that is one of four mail server types: Mail server with … Continue reading

Posted in Apache, DNS, Linux, Mail server, MySQL, PHP, Postfix | Leave a comment

Check Port 25 with the Telnet Command

You can check your SMTP Server on SMTP port 25 with the following Telnet command: Open a command line and type telnet 25 If your server is online a connection will be established on port 25 (SMTP). An Exchange … Continue reading

Posted in Linux, Mail server | Leave a comment

Exim Commands

Exim commands for Mail issue ===================== /usr/sbin/exim -v -Mrm (MAIL ID HERE) ==> REMOVE MAILS BY ID /usr/sbin/exim -bp ==> LIST QUEUED MAILS /usr/sbin/exim -bpc ==> OUTPUT NUMBER OF QUEUED MAILS /usr/sbin/exim -bpr | grep ‘*** frozen ***’ | awk … Continue reading

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